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We are trying to change attitudes but give no incentives to do so. Keeping a low pollution footprint for example receives no rewards, in fact, it comes with great inconvenience. Being a person who supports free speech comes with no rewards - we are constantly being blocked for speaking our truth. The solutions are simple but we need to build incentives so people will WANT to change behavior. Change the incentives and the behavior changes. Right now competition, exploitation, instant gratification, bad manners are all perfectly normal and acceptable in the culture. Much of it originated from Hollywood and celebrity. There is no level one cannot stoop to and not be applauded today, but try speaking truth and the bludgeon of despotism clobbers your head. We're going around in circles (we activists, sovereigns and self-described light workers) talking about how we must be towards each other yahda yahda. When all the while we are operating and generating a deficiency-based system, we are never progressing, we are generating the dark forces agendas the whole time. To generate our own agenda - for freedom, equality, free speech, clean environment, we need to put systems in place. The first step on that journey is to adopt a proper calendar, one that puts us back into synchronicity with natural frequencies. People don't know this but we are out of our natural cycle - there are 13 new moons every year, but 12 full moons occur every SECOND year. So we stuff one whole month, into 24 months. This puts us way out of our proper frequency. The 13 moon calendar is easy to learn and it can be cited whenever the Roman calendar is cited. Just cite the 13 moon calendar in parentheses after the Roman calendar citing. It's that simple! Anyone who wants to can do it. It is the first step in reclaiming our sovereignty and anyone can do it, even children. It is a statement of your ethos and who you are. Here's how - please comment and share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8jHqoza0Fs&t=66s

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